Wednesday, June 21, 2006


My runs this week have been far better again. I ran a good 4 miler yesterday and 7.6 miles at 9 minute mile pace today. That's what I want to be doing more regularly.

As I hinted in my last post, what's getting me down isn't so much the total distance I'm covering which is fine, it's my inability to keep running when my mind tells me to stop. It's mental rather than physical most of the time, my legs are fine but I just want to give up. But today I kept going for the full distance, possibly with the help of the lucozade mix I bought yesterday and had never used on a long run before. It felt unnaturally sweet and strongly flavoured, but by having a drop or two of it every three or four minutes (basically between each song on my iPod) I didn't need too much at any one time but kept going steadily and ran the return leg quicker than the outbound one.

Tomorrow morning will probably be 4.4 miles, then it's a rest until my big weekend. 7 miles on Saturday and 14 on Sunday. Eek! I've already plotted my route for Sunday, which will be the furthest I've ever run, and it looks a hell of a long way!


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