Monday, May 29, 2006

Fitting it in

I'm doing well, and surprising myself. I'm not sticking to the Marathon Plan word for word, but I'm juggling the runs round my other commitments to make sure that I stick to it as closely as possible.

So after last week's shuffling round trips to London, this week I'm trying to rearrange my schedule to accommodate a bank holiday, a half marathon and birthday cake. The actual plan is:

Monday - cross training
Tuesday - 3 miles
Wednesday - 6 miles
Thursday - 3 miles
Friday - rest
Saturday - 6 miles
Sunday - 11 miles

What I suspect it will actually look like is:

Monday - 6 miles (done - and actually nearer 7, taking account of the bank holiday to get one of the long runs for the week in)
Tuesday - 3 miles
Wednesday - 3, or possibly a bit longer depending how I feel
Thursday - 3 miles maximum (possibly just rest)
Friday - rest
Saturday - rest
Sunday - half marathon

I'm torn on Wednesday between doing the length run I'm meant to do or giving myself more time to rest before the half by doing no more than three. And then the week after I'll be trying to simultaneously recover from the half, rest before a 10k and get at least one decent run in to maintain my marathon training mileage. Could be interesting! And the main Wednesday dilemma is that it will be my birthday so I won't be forcing myself to do anything I don't fancy! Plus the unknown of whether I'll need to go down to London with work at any point during the week.

I've finally got round to getting myself a Camelbak. I know that as my long runs get longer and the weather gets warmer (hmm, not so sure about that one at the moment!) hydration will be more important, and I found an offer for a free one if I subscribe to a magazine I read sometimes anyway. The cost of the subscription over the year is only the same as the Camelbak, and I'd probably have bought most of the copies anyway. Or that's how I justify it to myself!

Now all I need to do is to make the great HRM/SDM decision. I'm still wavering about how many features I actually need (if indeed I need any!), so still haven't committed to placing an order.

Plus I need new running shoes - my current ones are heading towards 450 miles fast (they'll be there by Sunday probably), which only really gives me a couple of weeks before they hit the 500 mile replacement mark.


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