Thursday, April 12, 2007

The wibbles

It was all going so well, and then the wibbles struck. One bad run, a couple of injury niggles and a planned reduction in mileage have combined to make me wonder whether this marathon running thing is sensible.

First, the bad run. Last Thursday I got very drunk. On Friday morning I got up, ate some dried apricots and headed straight out for a run. About a mile in my stomach started complaining. Runners trots. I managed to cover another 3 miles or so, with stops every 5 minutes to bend over in pain and wait for the urge to go to the loo to subside. After 4 miles I gave up and walked another 2 home. The moral of this story is simple, the combination of alcohol and eating something with lots of fibre just before a run isn't good. But my mind didn't want to file it away under "things not to do", it wanted to file it under "I can't run, I must be mad thinking I can do this". Oops.

The injury niggles, next. Over the weekend I was in Cologne. I did lots of walking. My shoes weren't bad (Birkenstocks), but they were brand new, and they weren't what I was used to. 7 miles a day of walking in them over 3 days meant that I arrived back home with seriously achey muscles in my legs. The more worrying niggle is my right achilles. It's played up twice now, both times on a Thursday morning after a Wednesday evening club run. Admittedly running to work less than 12 hours after a 7 or 8 mile run doesn't give me a great deal of recovery time, but it's the only time I've been able to fit runs in over the past fortnight. Fingers crossed that next week when I don't need to do that it will be a lot less painful. I can run on it, but I can feel it, and I don't want to make it worse if I can help it.

And finally, reduced mileage. Mum is staying with me, and we went to Cologne at the weekend. When I'm alone I can justify going out for a 3 hour run. When she's here I feel guilty about anything much over an hour, as it's time I feel like I should be spending with her. So I try to fit runs in where I can, with varying degrees of success. I'm still running, but I'm not doing the runs I'd like to do.

So, the wibbles have arrived. However, my last two runs were slightly better (achilles excepted), so hopefully I can get rid of them before I start getting worked up about it.


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