Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I have a new running goal. Apart from marathons and PBs and such like.

Having counted through the results from Sunday (yes, I'm that sad), I think I came 77th out of 357 women (and 526/1096 overall). That means that my result was in the first 21% of women. That's pretty darn good actually, but it gives me a nice goal to aim for now - to be in the top 20% of women when I race. Obviously it partly depends on the quality of the field (I might be a bit further down when I run in the Yorkshire half marathon championships - eek!), but the nice thing about a 20% goal rather than purely looking at times is that it takes account of the couse and the weather as well as just the amount of time from beginning to end.

PBs are still nice, of course, but that 20% figure is something nice to aim for. I'm also suspecting, although I've not worked it out, that being in the top 20% would be roughly equivalent of a GFA time. Damn, I said that I wasn't going to use those letters this time round - but using the RW calculator from Sunday's run it comes up with a prediction of 3:44 over the marathon distance, so you never know.

I'm not racing for a couple of weeks now - apart from cross country on Sunday that is. There's a 20 miler I might do if my long run this weekend goes according to plan, if not it's the aforementioned half mara championships. Having spent the past 6 weeks or so getting comfortable with the 13 - 15 mile range it's time to up the mileage. I'll see how I feel on Saturday, but I'm very tempted to try an 18 miler. And this year I'm far more confident I'll be able to run it, rather than just finishing it.


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