Sunday, October 08, 2006

Don't let me do it...

I had a really good 9 mile run today at a decent, yet pretty comfortable, pace. I'm feeling ready for Amsterdam half now, and might even be able to coax a PB out of it if I'm lucky.

Except there's a problem. It's possible to register for any of the races on the day. And one of the races is a full marathon. I want to do another one, and maybe my legs still have enough left in them to try again.

It would be a stupid stupid idea, and I think that I'll see it for the insanity that it is, and just go for the half, but part of me wonders whether with no cold, no period and no heatwave I might be able to improve on Berlin, even without training specifically for it...

That sound you just heard was me hitting myself to knock stupid ideas out of my head.

I will run the half, and that's it. Stop me if you see me heading towards the marathon registration desk...


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