Saturday, December 08, 2007


HPTT again today. I quite like running down, racing, then doing a bit more to cool down. It was also partly motivated by the fact that you get points for just turning up so, even with a hangover, I knew I'd be in the top 5 or so, getting 95ish points, as opposed to not turning up and getting nothing. Even if you don't race, it's worth making your long run route go via the time trial...

This time I finished third. I didn't win, some faster people turned up, but I beat Eleanor which made me happy. Of course, I have nothing against her, and it's a purely healthy rivalry, but I was worried that she's been getting faster than me so it was nice to be able to reassert my speed and my record of her never having beaten me.

The race was almost identical to last week. My time was 2 seconds faster, and it was very similar in that other people started faster, then I overtook them. I overtook one person at the end of the shorter first lap, Eleanor going up the slight hill on the first long lap. We then did pretty much a whole lap together, one going ahead then the other, and then going up the hill for the third time I opened up a gap she couldn't close. That hill is my friend, clearly, as it's where I overtook everyone last week too!

I've started to notice how consistent I am. I was impressed over summer that I did 2 10ks and had 5 seconds difference between them, now I've done 2 5ks with a 2 second gap. I have a speed, and that's how fast I run, whether I want to or not!

Tomorrow is the santa dash - a whole mile, wearing a santa suit. I want to go for a run along the canal either before the dash or after it, depending on the weather. I feel closer to grandma there - it's the same canal that she used to play on, that her family used to work, and it leads directly to the pub we're going to after the funeral on Tuesday. I'm at the other end of the canal here, but it's still her canal.

And a bit of a canal run might get me in the mood for re-starting mara training...


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