Tuesday, January 24, 2006

A new challenge

Why do I keep on making these challenges harder for myself? I was horribly overweight and decided to get fit. I spent a year or so losing six and a half stone and getting myself remotely fit.

I achieved my big goals. I got to a normal BMI. I've almost lost 100lb (and I'm sture I will before long). I got fit.

But that wasn't enough, oh no.

I'm a girl who likes a challenge. I'm also a girl who tends to have dreams about the impossible and then impulsively decide to chase them.

So, what started as a spark of an idea becomes a fully formed plan complete with flights and its own blog the next.

In 2005 I lost over a third of my body weight.

In 2006 I lost my sanity.

I'm going to run the Berlin Marathon!


Blogger Junie B said...

oh i am SOOOOOOO glad i clicked on your blog line in 3chicks!

i cant wait to read how you train, how things go leading up to and after the race!


i am running my first 1/2 marathon next January. i will start training beginning of October i suppose!!

8:25 PM  

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